So the actual reason why I am really here is to do my Masterthesis at AIMS. AIMS stands for the Australian Institute of Marine Science. In other words it is a governmental marine science institute based here in Townsville. It focuses mainly on tropical sciences with a strong emphasize naturally, due to its close proximity, on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR).

My project is about a coral disease called the ‘black band disease’. This disease is caused by consortia of microorganisms including so called ‘cyanobacteria’, little unicellular blue-green algae that pretty much ‘eat up’ coral tissue and lyse the coral polyps.

The institute is probably one of the most beautiful institutes I have ever seen in my whole life. Centered on Cape Cleveland about 50 km west of Townsville in a Conservation Park area it is surrounded by lush semi-tropical forest, nice beaches and eucalyptus woods. As it is so remote you can see wallabies (little kangaroos), possums, cockatoos, wild turkeys (they even enter the cafeteria!) and lots of other wildlife everywhere around.

Nature and wildlife is just stunning here and part of everyday life. Even though this might sound awkward but I am happy from time to time not to have a window in my office because I would probably just be looking out of the window and watching wallabies all day.

A few weeks ago whole AIMS got excited because we were told that there is a stranded marine mammal down at the AIMS wharf. After we went down to check what it was we saw nothing less than a dead blue whale! It had died in the small wharf the night before and has now been carried away for autopsy and later exhibition of the skeleton to the museum of Brisbane. After a few minutes of watching we even saw a big tiger shark (4 – 5 m) two meters below us swimming under the jetty to feed on the carcass. Sometimes I am a bit sad that I do not need to go to the field to dive and to collect samples to make my analysis, however that moment I wasn't!

Thanks a that point to Yui Sato San, the bravest Japanese Phd AIMS has ever seen for doing the sampling of BBD and CP for me on Orpheus Island (actually I think he is the only Japanese PhD student AIMS has ever seen)!

The institute is state of the art and people from my working group and fellow students are very easy going, cool and friendly.

The start of my project turned out to be quite tricky and I stay late at work most days of the week. However I really enjoy being at AIMS and the challenge of the project.

And as you can see at AIMS you never get bored!

1 Kommentar:

asti hat gesagt…

Am glad that u r enjoying ur time there!!! Am struggling to concentrate on my research. I can't wait to finish my data collection so I can hang out with my friends...