Impressions from the north

Here are just some impressions from the northern coast of Germany. Most pictures are from around the area of Helgoland, Cuxhaven, Bremerhaven, Hamburg and Bremen.

Well the first thing people from the south of Germany notice, is that everything is totally flat. Nevertheless the countryside is not boring of uninteresting. The marshlands here are really unique. In some places complete fields are flooded and small rivers wind their ways through little copses. You can see many deer and a lot of places for horseback riding. Those of you who had a chance to read Theodor Fontane’s “Der Schimmelreiter”. It really looks like that. The northern coast itself with the associated mud flats and dikes can also be quite charming. However everything depends here on the weather. Unfortunately the weather sucked here throughout most of time in January to March 2008 and the sun only showed up for a couple of days. The weather is in general not as good as in the south. Even though Bremen has less rain than Munich there are fewer sun days throughout the year and it is mostly grey in grey even though it is not raining.

2 Kommentare:

asti hat gesagt…

"Even though Bremen has less rain than Munich ===> Oh My God!

Roberto hat gesagt…

Very good Martin!!!